School Visit
The Local primary school had hatched a few chickens and asked for the opportunity to see how Staveleys Eggs rear their own little chicks. So we organised a small school visit to our rearing site and explained what goes into rearing a happy, healthy hen.
It started with an introduction to rearing and instructions on health and safety regulations on site. Every student and teacher were given disposable overalls and boot covers before entering the chick house. The children spend all day asking many questions and learning a lot about the day to day running of a rearing farm. It was a fantastic day and thoroughly enjoyed by all involved
Here are a few of the many thank you letters we received from the school, including detailed portraits of the rearing and managering staff members involved.
To Farmer Dave,
I enjoyed the big chick. thank you for letting me hold the chicks.
Love Charlie
To Crazy Rachel
Thank you for letting us come to the farm
from Arwen
To Loopy Scott
Thank you for letting us go to the farm
love from georgia
To Chicken Tom
Thank you for letting us see the chicks
From Casey
To Dizzy Jane
Thank you for letting us hold the chicks, I loved it
love from Anya
To Farmer John
Thank you for letting us hold the chicks
love from Erin
Egg Packhouse Modernisation Project
New State of the Art Grading and Packing Plant